Recognised by Govt. & Affiliated to Rajasthan University of Veterinary & Animal Science, Bikaner

Donation for free animal treatment, please contact at 8209857010

About Prakash Institute of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry

The birth of the Prakash Institute of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Dholpur in 2019 has opened a new chapter in the history of privatization of Veterinary education in the Country. More than any thing else, the gigantic task before this group was to change the mind set of people associated with the public controlled system in this sector and also simultaneously infuse confidence in the society. Thus, Rajasthan became fore-runner in the country to strengthen animal husbandry sector by taking policy decision to permit private partners to open Veterinary Colleges. The guiding principle for the PIVSAH was to adhere to the Standards laid down by the Veterinary Council of India as well as State Govt’s. Policies and programmes in this direction.


Achieve more with Prakash Institute

To Facilitate preventive, curative and rehabilitative animal health care with optimum livestock productivity and ensuring safety in human health.

To built a strong biotechnological base for improved animal breeding practices, diagnostics, immunological and therapeutic control of diseases and to develop epidemiological based forecasting system for the benefit of livestock owners.

To impart quality Veterinary education as per the standards of Veterinary Council of India (VCI), in the field of livestock health care and management, and animal production sciences and technologies.

To inculcate interest in livestock production as an industry in private sector and to develop entrepreneur skills for self employment.

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